
Remedial/Sports Massage

Male massage therapist giving man a back massage with elbow between shoulder blades while man is in prone position on white towels
Image by Freepik

Remedial Massage is a massage that treats tired, knotted, tense or stiff muscles due to exercise, overuse, poor posture, chronic pain or injury. The therapist will search your body for tight muscles and then using a variety of techniques will aim to relax the muscle. Sports Massage is remedial and will normally be more deep tissue. Sports massage can also be tailored to fit within an athletes or fitness training schedule to improve performance and recovery.

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Relaxation Massage

woman being given relaxation massage of shoulder while in prone position by male massage therapist

Relaxation Massage aims to relax and soothe the body to promote better general wellbeing. Its goal is not to help with chronic pain or injury but rather to improve circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system using gentle kneading, friction and long smooth strokes that may be of firm but not deep pressure. Great for those looking to destress and calm the mind.

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